BNH Communications Solutions LTD, hereafter referred to as BNH, is currently registered as a limited liability company in Tanzania and is rolling out a broadband network infrastructure throughout Tanzania. The purpose of this memorandum is to create awareness of our capabilities, alert the marketplace and forge new alliances.
BNH was found and is fully owned by native Tanzanians whom spent many years pursuing higher education, working and running various enterprises in North America before eventually returning home to invest. All founders were motivated after frustrating experiences achieving basic internet connectivity and in the true American spirit decided to do something about it, in 2009 BNH Communication Solutions was born. Leveraging our partnership with ZANTEL our initial focus was reselling wholesale capacity but have since diversified to the enterprise market.
Be customer centric, deliver a high-capacity, end to end cutting edge network solutions, which is accessible and reliable as well as provides greater customer satisfaction, offering ample choice to the consumer, henceforth propelling BNH to become one of the leading Information and Communications Technology firms in the region. We strive to help our clients make distinctive, lasting, and substantial improvements in their performance and to build a great firm that attracts, develops, excites, and retains exceptional people.
Make a significant contribution to humanity by improving global ICT access in the 21st century.
Adhere to the highest professional standards;
Elevate BNH to the one-stop shop for all your ICT needs, to elaborate not only will we deliver capacity to your premises we will also ensure all your internal equipment is connected and can take advantage of the capacity, weather this involves building your entire LAN, setting up Wifi Access points or configuring Cisco routers we have you covered. We employ microwave as the de facto standard for fixed wireless users with low bandwidth requirements and fiber ( backed by Microwave ) to the premises for the enterprise consumer. Our state of the art network operations center is equipped to detect glitches before cascading to our client equipment.
BNH offers advantages most companies cannot. Being born and raised in Tanzania, educated and trained in the west’s best schools, BNH founders have a unique personal perspective of the country and the needs of its citizens. BNH Management staff have owned and operated successful businesses in the country and overseas. They possess extensive knowledge of all aspects of ICT, including developing broadband network technologies.
We are committed to delivering the best ICT experience for our clients every day and will continue to develop the unique, innovative services that clients will come to expect and enjoy from BNH.
This, we promise to all our clients.
Please join us in transforming this vision into reality.